
Showing posts from June, 2024

Lord Cameron of Lochiel - Another Anti-English and Useless Politician, Paid For By Us. And, Meanwhile, Scotland, Want A Loan? Just Take It From England...

Goodness! Scotland now has a First Minister, its own parliament, an unfair say on legislation passed for the much larger and ethnically diverse country of England (the West Lothian Question) and the Barnett Formula - reviled by its late creator, Lord Joel Barnett! Note how the Scottish Secretary of State (why do we need one now?) avoids any mention of England in his House of Lords speech, and is basically an anti-England, UK Parliament gravy-train rider, paid for by England, and continuing the long tradition of a racist, resentful elite in the UK - Scotland - a tiny country of five million, free prescriptions for millionaires, keeping all its tax payer money, and getting loans from the so-called UK Government whenever it wants. Cameron resorts to the disgraceful obfuscation technique of referring to the 'UK' as a country twice in his spiel. The UK is a NATION, a so-called union of countries. If that was not so, Scotland would hardly have screeched for it own parliament. The UK