Nicola Sturgeon - The Anti-English Denier...

What an improvement, Nicola! Mask HAS to be tartan, of course (yawn).

Every so often Nicola Sturgeon says: 'I haven't got an anti-English bone in my body.'

Oh, really?

Then what motivates you? Jealousy?

She encourages an amazingly exclusive Scotland. Yes, she does. She accuses those who wish to leave the European Union of racism. Um, but the vast majority of non-white immigrants to England do not come from the European Union, Nicola.

She wants Scotland to be a part of the European Union, but not part of the UK.

Why? England is a far more ethnically diverse country than Scotland, even proportionally, so what's the problem with the UK?

Scotland either needs to be an EQUAL part of the UK, or leave. It voted to stay. Then we got Nicola Sturgeon.

Nicola hates Margaret Thatcher. Not past tense. Maggie still lives to her.

Well, yes, I hated Maggie too, to be honest, 31 years ago. But she was the first FEMALE Prime Minister (surely, that was in some ways good, Nicola?), although anti-Feminist (she had her head screwed on there), and Scotland still had the Barnett Formula and its own Secretary of State. The Poll Tax was actually invented by a Scotsman called Douglas Mason and brought to Scotland in 1989 by its own Secretary of State, George Younger, who didn't see why Scotland should wait for the English and Welsh.

A product of Scotland INVENTED the Poll Tax.

During the Covid-19 era she's shown no concern for the peoples of England, not even about the effects of the highly unfair Barnett Formula at this time. She's just used it to fire pot shots at England about her 'superior' approach. A health crisis? Her concern for England shines through, doesn't it?

The much larger and far more ethnically diverse country next door to Scotland is something Nicola wastes no opportunity to belittle and misrepresent.

Not an anti-English bone in your body, Nicola, dear?

Pull the other one. It's got bells on. And, of course, they're tartan.


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