The Scots 'Language' (Dialect)

Nicola Sturgeon: First Minister of a country of five million people. Scotland is obviously for Scots. You must speak the dialect, wrap yourself in the saltire and not consider yourself British. And yet Scotland voted to remain part of the UK. Go figure.

If you arrive in the UK and move to England - as the vast majority of immigrants do, even proportionally, you will not find people pushing local dialects down your throat in official announcements. In Scotland, of course, you do. There was Nicola Sturgeon just the other day telling 'Scots' (note, not very inclusive - not everybody in Scotland defines themselves as a 'Scot') to 'keep the heid'. Basically 'keep your head' - over C-19. This would be rather like an English person making an announcement on the news and going into Tyneside or Yorkshire dialect. Not all people in Scotland know or use its dialects (they're not languages - more about that in the not too distant future) and it's confusing to new arrivals.

But Nicola is obsessed with making Scotland like England and Wales, complete with its own language. Try Gaelic, dear!

This kind of pettiness, with clear underpinnings of jealousy, is typical of Scottish nationalists and Celtic fantasists alike. The two are inextricably linked.

The Scots dialect is a form of English, it resulted from Scotland's incursions into England and England's influence on Scotland - it's a much larger country, and trying to inflate it into a language in its own right is ridiculous.

Of course, in the PC 21st Century, a great deal of drivel is accepted from groups claiming 'oppression', but the Scots are not oppressed and never have been. And Ms Sturgeon's posturings and the ridiculous swathes of bilge on Wikipedia (not a good idea, that) do not change facts.

The Scots are the Scots. They do not need a fantasy history to prove that fact. They are also British. But there is a large cell of racism in that country and it is having a disproportionate affect on the politics of the UK, via the Barnett Formula, West Lothian Question, etc.

The largest and most ethnically diverse UK nation, England, suffers.

And still the 'wee' (bit of Middle English for you there) one up in Scotland rabbits on. (In my part of England 'wee' means the act of urinating - 'I'm going for a wee.')

And, although 'her country' voted to remain part of the UK, she shows not a shred of care for the rest of the nation - well, maybe a little for the fake white Celtic myth/nationalism supporters in Wales, but not much. She's still happy for Scotland to take more Barnett Formula than they do.

And she pretends that the English are the racist ones! Well, England has a problem with racism, as do all countries, but it doesn't claim its population - far more ethnically diverse than Scotland's - deserves free prescriptions for millionaires, and sod the rest of you!


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