Russell T Davies of The Doctor Who Revival: Anti-Racist? Or Highly Racist?

Russell T Davies strikes a pose. Of course, in modern Britain everybody should be equal and we all should strive for togetherness. But he regards himself as Welsh first and foremost and has an agenda.

Russell T Davies is very much a modern TV writer. He writes Coronation Street style dialogue (Queer As Folk) and uses other people's creations (Doctor Who). We don't find him very original at all.

But Russell believes in a world without barriers of race, gender, etc. He believes in a wonderful present and future.

Or does he?

Actually, we believe Russell to have severe racist leanings and the guy seems rather typical of a branch of the 'Woke' movement that is actually loaded with bigotry and spite.

But only against accepted groups. Every era has its accepted recipients of bigotry, and for a very long time the English and England have been accepted targets.

Russell used his early Doctor Who revival stories, for instance, to fire potshots at the English on several occasions. He even took an old socialist phrase 'Britain for the British' and turned it into 'England for the English'.

English people - of any origin - are just as likely to demean their own people and country. Which shows the effects of the anti-England/English bias over many decades. We have been brainwashed.

Born in Wales himself, and with severe 'Little Walesian' leanings, Russell believes that his own country (of about three million souls) is somehow lovely and England is not. Historical victimhood narratives abound here.

In a recent Doctor Who story, Russell had English scientist Sir Isaac Newton portrayed by a man of colour, although the actual man was not. Well, fine, who cares? But then Russell portrayed the Scots inventor of the early television system, John Logie Baird, as white - and with ginger hair. Um, couldn't HE have been a man of colour too?

This was obviously because the Scots were not disproportionately active in the British Empire (they were, actually) and were always lovely people set upon by the dastardly English (watched Braveheart, dear?), and linked of course to RTD's very own country, Wales.

The trouble is, of course, historical revisionism and the fake and highly racist Celtic Nations nonsense (the Celtic notion dating from the 1700s) which Russell sees as binding him to his 'fraternal' Scots 'brothers' and 'sisters' and people with other preferred pronouns.

There is much racism emanating from the tiny countries of Scotland and Wales. But nobody sees it because they are always projecting it onto England, as are the 'Great and the Good' in England, By the way, England is by far the largest and, even proportionally, ethnically diverse UK country. 

Our whole political system is riddled with this racism - from the Barnett Formula (loathed by its late creator, Lord Joel Barnett), and the West Lothian Question to the sorry state of asymmetric national devolution. Our media, particularly the BBC, hurries to back up the notion of England=Evil.

So, the largest and most ethnically diverse UK country gets the worst deal of all from the 'UK' setup, and people like Russell T Davies are attempting to brainwash a whole new generation while laughing like Doctor Who villains. 

All the way to the bank.


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