
The UK Government Squanders Money On Appeasing Welsh Nationalists While Cutting Pensioners' Heating Payments...

We're Celts! We were here first! We are wonderful! We were oppressed by the English! Oh, do go away! The UK Government, which is cutting heating allowances for pensioners in England, is specially employing people who speak Welsh for enquiries in departments like Work & Pensions (DWP). Um, how many people in Wales speak Welsh fluently, if at all? How many people in Wales speak Welsh only and not English? Recruiting people specially to speak Welsh is a huge waste of money, while other things go hang. There are around three million people in Wales and they speak English. Quite a number of them are not even Welsh. This is not to say that people shouldn't learn Welsh, appreciate Welsh, study Welsh, etc, etc, but employing people to speak it specifically in 'UK' Government departments, and forking out money to attract applicants is absurd. The grip of asymmetric national devolution - the Barnett Formula (which was loathed as unfair by its own creator, Lord Joel Barnett) s

Lord Cameron of Lochiel - Another Anti-English and Useless Politician, Paid For By Us. And, Meanwhile, Scotland, Want A Loan? Just Take It From England...

Goodness! Scotland now has a First Minister, its own parliament, an unfair say on legislation passed for the much larger and ethnically diverse country of England (the West Lothian Question) and the Barnett Formula - reviled by its late creator, Lord Joel Barnett! Note how the Scottish Secretary of State (why do we need one now?) avoids any mention of England in his House of Lords speech, and is basically an anti-England, UK Parliament gravy-train rider, paid for by England, and continuing the long tradition of a racist, resentful elite in the UK - Scotland - a tiny country of five million, free prescriptions for millionaires, keeping all its tax payer money, and getting loans from the so-called UK Government whenever it wants. Cameron resorts to the disgraceful obfuscation technique of referring to the 'UK' as a country twice in his spiel. The UK is a NATION, a so-called union of countries. If that was not so, Scotland would hardly have screeched for it own parliament. The UK

Russell T Davies of The Doctor Who Revival: Anti-Racist? Or Highly Racist?

Russell T Davies strikes a pose. Of course, in modern Britain everybody should be equal and we all should strive for togetherness. But he regards himself as Welsh first and foremost and has an agenda. Russell T Davies is very much a modern TV writer. He writes Coronation Street style dialogue ( Queer As Folk ) and uses other people's creations ( Doctor Who ). We don't find him very original at all. But Russell believes in a world without barriers of race, gender, etc. He believes in a wonderful present and future. Or does he? Actually, we believe Russell to have severe racist leanings and the guy seems rather typical of a branch of the 'Woke' movement that is actually loaded with bigotry and spite. But only against accepted groups. Every era has its accepted recipients of bigotry, and for a very long time the English and England have been accepted targets. Russell used his early Doctor Who revival stories, for instance, to fire potshots at the English on several occas

The Irish Times on the Fake Celtic Cult of Ireland & Britain - & Historic 'Bling'

The man who launched the UK's poisonous Celtic myth in 1707 - Edward Lhuyd. Yesterday, we were asked by an American plastic Celt why we negated the 'Celtic culture' of the UK? It was the same as negating the handed-down history of any tribe, she said. Actually not. The passing of time will blur things - and what has been handed down for generations will usually be slightly inaccurate at least - but still have a ring of truth.  However, the UK 'Celts' were not a tribe. They didn't exist until 1707 and since then this horrible fake 'thing' has become an industry and a way of practising racism. Which is how England, the largest and most multi-ethnic country of the UK, suffers the Barnett Formula (reviled by its own creator, the late Lord Joel Barnett), the West Lothian Question and asymmetric national devolution. By the way, the American plastic Celt began her conversation quite reasonably, she was, apparently, terribly excited about an American university

"Scots" Cannot Be A National Language of Scotland

According to the Scottish Government, 'Scots' - a dialect spoken in parts of Lowland Scotland - is now a language. And all the nationalistic Little Scotlanders have 'corrected' Wikipedia. They can't bear England and Wales to have something they don't. It's like spoilt children. When you took a look at Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, above. you can see the angry, bumptious, intimidating attitude which prevails all too clearly. Small attitude. Small country. Not a good advertisement for Scotland - and not one endorsed by many Scots. Of course, Scots Nats and some plastic Scots born abroad - desperate for lovely, rosy coloured myths of their 'homeland' ( Braveheart - ahem!) - love it. The 'Woke' also flock to it. Dear little oppressed Scotland! Higher funding, far better democratic representation, a vote on whether to stay in the UK, then the right to continue swaggering and belly-aching when the vote is 'Yes'... But oppressed.

Alex Thomson, The UK Column And The Celtic Myth...

                      British? No, no - they're Scots and Welsh only. And they're 'Celts' (so sayeth Alex Thomson of UK Column) - and such victims of the horrendous English. All fine tales built on ancient white race myths and Mel Gibson's 'CRY FREEDOM!' These fine Scottish and Welsh people had nothing to do with the British Empire! (I jest) Isn't it strange how the Celtic myth is so plainly a myth, and yet it infiltrates so much of UK life? Take the UK Column - an often interesting and rather alternative (no problem there) news site. Sadly, there is heavy 'Celtic' nonsense in the organisation, brought to bear by staff like Alex Thomson.  The whole venture is rather strangely organised anyway, with a complete non-questioning of the dreadful discrimination against every living soul in the largest and most multi-ethnic 'UK' country of all - via asymmetric national devolution, the Barnett Formula, the resurgent West Lothian Question, etc - a

Lorraine Kelly - The Exclusive 'We' in Scotland Wot Does Talk In A Particular Way...

  Lorraine Kelly is sadly past her sell-by date. We used to really like her - sympathising heartily when she wept on the last instalment of TV-am, etc. But her style is cloying, sickly sweet and out of place now and, on St George's Day 2021, she actually echoed Nicola Sturgeon. Accused, unjustly, of neglecting to mention St George's Day on her little TV show, she responded: 'Keep the heid,' as we say in Scotland.' Well, as Rudyard Kipling said, 'If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...' But 'keep the heid'? It comes from 'keep your head on,' a highly popular phrase years ago across England, and still in use to a lesser degree today, which is used as a retort when somebody is perceived as being unreasonably stressed or irate. But Lorraine couldn't simply say that. Nicola Sturgeon likes dialect too - also trotting out the 'Keep the heid' motif, but who  else says that in Scotland? My friends Mos and Rashida